I'm happy to report that they took to Facebook and Twitter in order to gain some social media buzz and in both locations they claim that the Optimist Club of Leesburg is putting on Kids FunFest 2013. However, they've also included this flyer with their posts.
Notice anything wrong? Let's do a quick survey:
- Location? Check.
- Date? Check.
- Time? Check.
- Who will be there? Check.
- Who's coordinating the event?
- How do I get more information?
Sadly, they Optimist Club has forgotten to include its own name, logo and contact information as the coordinator of the event. Not only does the flyer leave questions unanswered, the Optimist Club will miss out on the community awareness and goodwill that the event will generate.
Don't be shy, Optimists! Share the Optimist International logo as often as you can. This is just one example of how brand awareness starts with you.