The UW-W Student Optimist Club has a history of making mission-style trips. in 2012 they worked with an orphanage, multiple schools and many underprivileged youth in four regions of Ecuador. While the onsite work is rewarding for both the students and beneficiaries, much goes on behind the scenes as well as the students prepare to go. Not only do they fund raise for expenses, they raise money to purchase needed supplies, hold clothing drives and learn about the region they will be serving.
In Burkina Faso, the group of students will be:
- Building computer lab
- Creating sustainable gardens
- Building a Student Optimist Club
- Delivering soccer balls and interacting with children
- Delivering medical supplies, equipment and knowledge
- Delivering educational supplies and hygiene supplies
But before they leave, they must raise enough money to ship an ambulance to Dedougou. It will be the first emergency vehicle in the African community.
Find out more about the trip and how you can contribute to the Student Optimist Club's success:
Or make a donation to the UW-Whitewater Student Optimist Club Service Learning Trip to Burkina Faso by sending a check to:
Optimist International Foundation
c/o Kim Adams
800 W. Main St. UC 250
Whitewater, WI 53190