Do Optimist Clubs build new Optimist Clubs or is that a function of the District?In order to answer the question, I fall into the both and neither categories. I believe that people are responsible for starting new Optimist Clubs. It doesn't matter if they represent a club, a district, Optimist International, or even themselves, people must have a passion for sharing the purposes of an Optimist Club in order to inspire others to be involved.
At a recent meeting of the Pacific Northwest District Optimist Clubs, Rocky Jackson spoke about the need for new clubs in our communities. He also discussed why he joined an Optimist Club and why he stays involved. For him, it's about doing all we can to ensure children have opportunities to play, learn and grow into responsible and caring adults. He claims that he joined an Optimist Club almost as a favor to a cousin. He stayed because he learned that the work he did helped not only kids, but it helped his community and most of all himself.
It's not selfish to help ourselves. Being the best we can be allows us to help others. I invite you to become the best you can be by joining an Optimist Club. Ask me how.
Rocky Jackson, OI VP, 10-11, talks about new Optimist club building at PNW District Optimist meeting.…
— Linda Jackson (@newoptimistclub) October 20, 2012