The urge to share and help others is always evident during the holiday season. Some might say the act of giving puts us in the right mood. Others might say that the need to give at this time arises from an economic standpoint of helping others so they may help themselves. Whatever the reason, for as long as I can remember, the Boy Scouts have held an Annual Food Drive and this year is no exception.
Sponsored by the Optimist Club of Foley, Alabama, Cub Scout Pack 77 of Foley participated in the activity this year called the Boy Scout National Good Turn Food Drive. The young men pictured here gathered nearly 600 pounds of food.
Kayden Brumfield, Ashton Brumfield and Lisa Jones, Cub Master |
Food drives are a way to enlist the help of many. They also raise awareness of challenges that communities and their residents face and allow the participants to learn the spirit of service and the great depth of need. Optimist Clubs and Boy Scouts share the same goal of serving others and meeting those needs.
Thanks to Joe Bischoff for sharing the picture.