- Dr. Robert Cram is proud of his membership in the Optimist Club. He believes they do good things in the community or he wouldn't publicize his involvement on his website homepage.
- Is your Optimist Club doing things that make your members want to cheer? Don't just ask yourself this question; ask them, and then ask them to mention the Optimist Club in their personal profiles and business websites.
- His website is being hosted by Blogger, the Experience Optimism host of choice.
- This is important because Blogger is free technology. Every one of your club members, in business or not, could choose to publish what your club does and how proud they are to be a part of it.
I think that asking everyone to be an Optimist Club blogger might be a bit much, but just think of the possibilities for interaction if only a few members in every club made the commitment. I'm available to help potential rookies get started. Be sure to forward my information to your bulletin editors and club presidents today.