The key to this headline really shouldn't be the offer of free stuff; but instead, our attention should be drawn to community. It is somewhat sad that it takes the lure of receiving something material to get us to recognize the many intangible benefits that our community offers us every day.
At this event in Lockport, New York, residents will learn first hand about Boy Scouts, Girl scouts, YMCA, the city youth and recreation department, Care Net, Lockport Cares, several Optimist Clubs and churches that offer non- sectarian outreaches such as GED programs.
Don't forget, those organizations that will help you grow both personally and professionally will also offer you some free stuff just for attending and learning more about living in Lockport. After all, it is a learning fair complete with fair food, family -friendly activities, and details on how to access city services.
I hope the residents have fun at the fair on Thursday, October 1, 5:00 to 8:00 pm at Genesee and Waterman Streets, Lockport; I hope they get their free stuff, but I also hope they join a club and get involved too.