"The Boys and Girls Club of Niagara is seeking volunteers to help work the Lions Club bingo at the Optimist Club on June 28, 29, 30, and July 1, 2009. If you would like to come out and help please contact Dana Snyder at events@boysandgirlsclubniagara.org."
Add in the Rotary Club and Kiwanis Club and everyone would come to the party! This has been the way of many service organizations in recent years; they all lend their hands to help each other accomplish tasks and carry out fund raising activities. Since the mottos of the major service clubs are similar, one might wonder why so many different clubs are needed.
Kiwanis International - Serving children of the world.
Lions Clubs International - We Serve.
Optimist International - Friend of youth.Rotary International - Service above self.
The reason is simple; each club goes about their mission a little differently. Rotary clubs unite business professionals in service. Optimist clubs bring community leaders together with business and offer a positive outlook on life. Kiwanis clubs have artfully blended the above together for an eclectic membership base and Lions clubs were the first to capitalize on membership for all walks of life with a unified international service project.
I encourage you to visit a service club in your community, find the one that fits your personality and get involved. Yes, I like Optimist Clubs because of the Optimist Creed, but I know that every flavor of club is needed. You are needed. Don't miss your calling to serve.